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Spotlight Winner of Our Charming Trifles Contest & Tonight's Live Radio Show.

Nathanael Quezada

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

David Radavich is the author of two epics, AMERICA BOUND (2007) and AMERICA ABROAD (2019), as well as recent lyric collections called MIDDLE-EAST MEZZE (2011) and THE COUNTRIES WE LIVE IN (2014). His plays have been performed across the U.S. and in Europe.

"I reach for that voice

and sometimes find

a rabbit in a black stiff

hat, or sometimes a red

scarf soft as breath."

His poetic work is one of our winners for our "Charming Trifles: Magical Poetry and Creative Non-Fiction" contest. The magic in his words is deep and powerful, haunting in a way. It summons a dark whimsy to vividly illustrate itself.

Ketchupedia Podcast will be featured on our Live Radio Show

Arc is the word of the day for the Ketchupedia podcast's most recent episode. Editors Polly Alice McCann and Hope Houtwed discuss the word's relevance to any sort of story. Writing is very rarely straight, flat, constant. It seeks change. Narrative arc pulls the reader along on a journey; the reader is flung across an expanse of dialogical exchanges, plot developments, and impactful experiences. This metaphorical, aerodynamic crescent is the synthesis of the plot arc for action and character growth in a story, along with the mirror arc of action and growth in both writer and reader!

Ketchupedia Poetry Radio

Last week's episode of Ketchupedia Poetry Radio is available now on Spreaker, Spotify, and wherever you listen to your podcasts! Enjoy it or previous airings on Spreaker. Or Listen Live today as Polly Alice McCann, Richard Parilla, and Cheryl Moran speak about art, poetry, and the narrative of the creative life. Sunday at 6 pm on 101.1 KONN OneKc Radio

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Flying Ketchup Press ® grassroots and artist-run, we are a trademarked small press in Kansas City using traditional and hybrid publishing formats established to develop new and diverse voices in poetry and short story. Our dream is to salvage lost treasure troves of written and illustrated work-- to create worlds of wonder and delight; to share stories.

Maybe yours.

Make friends with your inner editor. Just a dash.

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