Picture Book Editor
I’ve been working as an independent Editorial Illustrator since 2018. I've been a children's book author since 2008. I have an MFA in writing for children and young adults with my thesis in picture books. I studied with and have had mentorships with award-wining authors like Jaqueline Briggs Martin, Phyllis Root, Jane Resh Thomas, and Claire Rudolf Murphy. I have also studied poetry under several award-winning poets and authors and with my undergraduate degree in art, I am able to give you really helpful advice to create a professional quality children's book to send to agents, editors, or straight to the printer!

2021 Poetry Editor in Residence Samantha Malay
Samantha grew up in rural northeastern Washington State, where her family built a cabin with timbers salvaged from an abandoned homestead, hauled water from a creek, and lived without electricity. Her experiences in that time and place continue to shape her understanding of the body, memory, environment and creativity.
Her mixed-media work fuses found textiles, travel ephemera, and beeswax. It has been published in The Grief Diaries, Cahoodaloodaling, Phoebe: A Journal of Literature and Art, Temenos, Chaleur Magazine, Apeiron Review, Hey, I’m Alive Magazine, and Sheepshead Review. She is an annual contributor to A.I.R. Gallery’s Postcard Exhibit and Fundraiser, in Brooklyn, New York. Her artwork is in the MERZ Gallery permanent collection, in Sanquhar, Scotland, and will be included in the book Collage Your Life: Techniques, Prompts, and Inspiration for Creative Self-Expression and Visual Storytelling, by Melanie Mowinski (Storey Publishing, 2022).
Samantha's poem ‘Between’ was a 2020 Pushcart Prize nominee (Shark Reef Magazine), and she contributed images and words to the multilingual anthology The Very Edge: Poems (Flying Ketchup Press, 2020). Her poetry recently appeared in Plainsongs (Corpus Callosum Press, winter 2022), and will soon be published by Kind Writers and Five South. Her poem/collage ‘Inland’ will be featured in “The Art of the Postcard: We Are All Artists,” presented by Inverted Syntax at Firehouse Art Center, Longmont, Colorado, February 11 – March 6, 2022. Her chapbook Realm is forthcoming.

‘Indefinite Boundary’ collage by Samantha Malay: reclaimed pillowcase fabric, vintage Oregon map, beeswax
Hugo House, a nonprofit community writing center
Seattle Public Library maintains a website featuring the Seattle Writes program, which includes classes, recordings, and resources, as well as links to local writing organizations and resources. Each of the writing organizations listed also offers additional resources and class information.
Pacific Northwest Writer's Association
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators: Western Washington
Centrum writers' conference in Port Townsend, WA
Hedgebrook writers' residence program for women on Whidbey Island, WA
Corporeal Writing workshops in alternative writing methodologies in Portland, OR
Copper Canyon Press poetry publisher
Fantagraphics cartoons and graphic novels
Mountaineers Books recreation, lifestyle, conservation
Radial Books poetry and fiction
University of Washington Press
Wave Books poetry publisher
BOOK ARTS and more
North Seattle College instructor Kelda Martensen
The Green Room screenwriting fellowship program