Local & Regional Resources for Writers
Ketchupedia is an outreach of Flying Ketchup Press ® began in 2020 a grassroots network to connect the Kansas City & regional writers community through weekly blogs, a writer's word of the day podcast, a live poetry radio show, and two annual poet-in-residences including open mics, classes, and events to allow regional artists to explore motivation, creative goals, and advocacy. Our editorial mentorships create an exponential artist-tree effect- making room for poetry and story, as a space for personal narrative that empowers, heals, and unites diverse audiences.
You can find us at Home | Flying Ketchup Press

Groups for Writers:
365 days James Benger
DigiStory KC
Facebook Kansas Poetry for Personal Power
MO-Tell Missouri Story Telling
Show Me Writers
Sunflower Open Poetry Mic, Lenexa
Wednesday Screenwriters, Westport
Writers Without Borders
Venues for Readings/ Poetry slams and Open Mics:
Anchor Island Coffee, Troost, KC, MO
All Sorts Open Mic, 2nd Fridays by PH Coffee
Arsyn Spitfire @ Rhyme House, Oen Mic Thursdays 1000 E. 9th St.
Blendwell Cafe, Independance MO
Common Sense Reading Series Kansas City Art Institute
Interurban Art House
Jump Start Art Open Mic, 4TH Mondays, Quaker House 4405 Gillham
KC Poetry Slam https://www.kansascitypoetryslam.org/
Louder than a Bomb- Youth Poetry Slam
One Mic Stand, Third Thursdays
Parkville Coffee
River Front Reading Series, monthly friday night reading
SpoFest First and Third Saturdays
Swordfish Toms, First Sundays poetry reading series
The Blue Room 18th & Vine Poetry
The Black Archives
The Rhino
Visual and Audio Literary Artists, second Wednesday online
The Writers Place Reading Series Third and Fourth Fridays
Unity Village, First Thursdays
Regional Books Stores:
AfterWord Tavern Shelves in Crossroads KC, MO
Bliss Books & Wine
Flagship Books
Rainy Day Books, now Make it KC in KS
Renegade KC Coffeeshop and Bookstore
Prosperous Books-local poetry books, KC, MO (near Westport)
Steels Used Books, Used, Rare Vintage, Gladstone, MO
Spine Book Store & Cafe, St. Louis, MO
The Green Door Bookstore now called Monarch Books OP, KS
Three Wishes Book Store, KS
The Raven, St. Louis, MO
The Rabbit Hole- North KC, MO future Museum of the Children’s Book Exploratorium
Watermark Books in Wichita, KS
WiseBlood Bookstore & Records, Midtown KC
Magazines/ Media/ Journals/ Publishers
365 days FB group and Annual Publication
785 Topeka/ also a radio station, and lit magazine
ArtSpeak Radio KKFI- every Wednesday at Noon Maria Vasquez Boyd
BookMark Press UMKC
Kansas City Voices: Whispering Prairie Press-An annual publication with an eclectic mix of fiction, essays, interviews, articles, poetry, and art. We seek exceptionally written and visual creations from established and emerging voices.
OneKC Radio
Sprung Formal Kansas City Art Institute Lit Journal
Story Center Education and Press Woodneath MCPL Library Liberty, MO
VALA Gallery Local Future Literary Arts Journal, Penny Thyme
NonProfits & Events for Writers Artists and Small presses:
Community of Literary Magazines and Small Presses
Fountain Verse Poetry Festival
MAAA MidAmerica Arts Alliance
JumpStartArt.org- supports local area Poets and more!
KCPL (10 branches)
MCPL (40 plus branches)
Summer Writers Institute: St. Louis
Local Writers Suggest These Presses for Submissions:
Creative Writers Opportunities
JoCoWrites Blog- monthly contests on submittable
New Letters (UMKC)
Thimble Literary Magazine--Any poet can submit online!
Spartan Press & Gasconade Review
Thorny Locust
Classes Certifications Conferences
Community Ed through Parkhill Schools,
Community Ed NKC Schools
Communiversity UMKC Community Ed Classes
Johnson County Community College
Johnson County Library Annual Library Conference 2020
KCAI Degree in Creative Writing
MCPL Library Annual Local Authors Fair
Metropolitan Community College
MidAmerican Nazarene University
Modern & Contemporary American Poetry, Free Course
Poetry Workshop in KC-- every Tuesday
Park University
Woodneath Library Center The Story Center- Story Certification

Society of Young Inklings
Lit Up Conference https://www.mymcpl.org/events/litup
Student Version of Idea Storm: https://younginklings.pathwright.com/library/idea-storm/114649/about/
Student Version of Write a Fantasy: https://younginklings.pathwright.com/library/idea-storm/114649/about/
Educator Version of Idea Storm: https://www.younginklings.org/product/idea-storm-for-remote-classrooms/
Educator Version of Write a Fantasy: https://www.younginklings.org/product/story-sprint-write-a-fantasy-for-remote-classrooms/