Flying Ketchup Press welcomes Melissa Ferrer-Civil, Kansas City Poet on Sunday's Live Ketchupedia Poetry Radio Show

Melissa Ferrer, formerly known as Missy T. Ferrari, belongs to no one place in particular. Rooted in the practical and the possible, she lives in Kansas City but her home is in the Spirit. Her spoken word poems and songs are mostly meditations and responses to the world around her and her own internal journey. Through writing, performance, space holding, education and workshop facilitation she seeks to provide a sense of solidarity among all people, encourage people to act unto peace and love, and foster community among both the like and unlike minded. Recently, she’s been yearning to set down her ego and replace it with a jubilation of the spirit. She wants you to join in, in whatever capacity you can! She wants you to listen and to respond.
Melissa received a Bachelor’s Degree in both Creative Writing and Italian from The Florida State University. She has also received her Master’s of Education with a specialization in Urban Education from Park University. She’s competed at the 2018 National Poetry Slam, 2019 Rustbelt Regional Slam, and has won countless other slams in different parts of the country. Her debut chapbook, Birthing Pains, is available here, published by turnsol editions, a Kansas City press focused on art and experimental poetry. Learn more at
Listen live on 100.1 FM KONN at 6 PM Central. All previous episodes can be found on Spreaker. Here is last week's episode!
Power Word "Serendipity" Podcast
This week's word of the week is Serendipity! Polly Alice McCann and Hope Houtwed discuss "serendipity" on the latest episode of the Ketchupedia podcast. They share the spontaneous fortune they've come across as writers and where it has led them. Serendipity is more than just good luck—it's an essential part of a creative life.
Ketchupedia can be heard on Spotify, PodBean, or your favorite podcatcher.
This Tuesday at 6:30 Central online is Y.U.R. Interesting, a Narrative Poetry Workshop
Have you ever wondered how to make a narrative poem and tell your own story in a way that is interesting to yourself and others?
You’re not alone. Most of us poets feel this way. Often we wonder how to make our poetry catch the eye of an editor, or make it seem more magical or more down to earth? Sometimes we are blocked or feel the work isn't interesting enough.
So what really works? We’re going to make it easy and light. We’re going to streamline it, make it workable. In this 90-minute poetry prompt workshop, you will learn three news prompts and encouraging concepts to bright and enliven narrative poetry such as dreamscape, aperture, and magical realism. Even better, we will use poems you bring to the workshop, so you don't have to wonder how the ideas apply to your own work.
Hosted by Polly Alice McCann, this class is fun for beginner and long time poets alike!
The online workshop begins this Tuesday at 6:30 Central. Tickets are $25.
POLLY ALICE MCCANN’s lyrical poetry paints a picture of the narratives of the internal heartland. Poet, curator, artist, editor, speaker. She is a writing professor, founder, and managing editor of Flying Ketchup Press. With a B.A. in Studio Art, and her MFAC in Writing from Hamline University, Polly shows her art internationally. She has been published in US newspapers and magazines, most recently Rattle Magazine. Find Polly’s art at She credits much of her creative work due to her research on dreams which won her the 2014 Ernest Hartmann award from Berkeley, CA. She says her favorite thing is to tell stories-- other people's, her own-- maybe yours. Find out more at
Flying Ketchup Press ® founded in 2018 to champion new and diverse voices in short fiction and poetry. We publish books, anthologies, podcasts, magazines, and contemporary media. Each year, Flying Ketchup Press produces collections of short stories and poetry by select authors, as well as an anthology dedicated to adult and teen readers. Our dream, to share worlds of wonder and delight.
Ketchupedia is an outreach of Flying Ketchup Press ® began in 2020 a grassroots network to connect the Kansas City & regional writers community through weekly blogs, a writer's word of the day podcast, a live poetry radio show, and two annual poet-in-residences including open mics, classes, and events to allow regional artists to explore motivation, creative goals, and advocacy. Our editorial mentorships create an exponential artist-tree effect. Instead of one poetry book a year, we add another poetry editor each year; each new editor is able to empower more poets, making room for poetry, as a space for personal narrative that empowers, heals, and unites diverse audiences. You can find us at Home | Flying Ketchup Press

Make friends with your inner editor. Just a dash.